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Lut Tawar Lake

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

The Lut Tawar Lake that was located in Takengon, Aceh Tengah Regency was keeping one million attractions, beauty, and eksotisme (the uniqueness) that was not had other lakes in this country. The beauty was big assets for Aceh Tengah to increase the flow of the visit tour to this cold area. The Laut Tawar lake was seen from the end of the Bur Gayo mountain the village of One-One, Subdistrict Lut Tawar.FOTO-JALIMIN
The Lut Tawar Lake that was located in Takengon, Aceh Tengah Regency was keeping one million attractions, beauty, and eksotisme (the uniqueness) that was not had other lakes in this country. The beauty was big assets for Aceh Tengah to increase the flow of the visit tour to this cold area. The Laut Tawar lake was seen from the end of the Bur Gayo mountain the village of One-One, Subdistrict Lut Tawar.Photo-JALIMIN
This lake was very beautiful and was located close to the Takengon city, The capital of the Regency Aceh Tengah (Middle Aceh Regency). Although the width was far more smaller from the Toba Lake in North Sumatra but his beauty had the same attraction. Moreover here also kept various legends that were conserved orally in the local community.
The Depik fish was one of the fish kinds that only was in the Lut Tawar Lake
The Depik fish was one of the fish kinds that only was in the Lut Tawar Lake
The Depik fish was one of the available fish kinds in another place only Lut Tawar Lake. Moreover possibly the only species of the available fish in the world and the life in this Lut Tawar Like Habitat and emerged only in the certain season.In the public holiday (Idul Fitri and Adha) Usually busy in visited tourists especially local tourist. (uranggayo.wordpress.com)

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